% Use "ngerman" as 1st language, "english" as 2nd one
% Load the bicaption package with 2nd language set to
% "english", and list type "figure2" resp. "table2"
% We load the titletoc package for customizing lists
% Note: Loading titletoc should be done prior
% defining additional floating environments with
% \DeclareFloatingEnvironment
\usepackage[UTF8, scheme = plain]{ctex}
\captionsetup[figure][bi-first]{name=图} %设置图的英文编号前缀
\captionsetup[table][bi-first]{name=表} %设置表的英文编号前缀
\captionsetup[figure][bi-second]{name=Fig.} %设置图的英文编号前缀
\captionsetup[table][bi-second]{name=Table} %设置表的英文编号前缀
position=bottom, margin=0mm, format=tabfigformat,
aboveskip=6pt, belowskip=-15pt, justification=centerlast}
position=top, margin=0mm, format=tabfigformat,
aboveskip=0pt, belowskip=0pt, justification=centerlast}
% Define the new floating environment type "figure2"
% Use the same file extension as for "figure" (.lof) here
% Define the new floating environment type "table2"
% Use the same file extension as for "table" (.lot) here
% We use the titletoc package for customizing "figure2"
% which is appropriate for the second language captions
{\settowidth{\hangindent}{Fig.~\thecontentslabel\ \ }\songti\zihao{-4}}
{Fig.~\thecontentslabel\ \ }{}
{\settowidth{\hangindent}{Table~\thecontentslabel\ \ }\songti\zihao{-4}}
{Table~\thecontentslabel\ \ }{}
\titlecontents{figure}[0pt]{\settowidth{\hangindent}{图~\thecontentslabel\ \ }\songti\zihao{-4}}
{图~\thecontentslabel\ \ }{}
\titlecontents{table}[0pt]{\settowidth{\hangindent}{表~\thecontentslabel\ \ }\songti\zihao{-4}}
{表~\thecontentslabel\ \ }{}
\bicaption{中文}{English text}
版权声明:本文为hq_cjj原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明。