string = "Automatic keyword extraction is to extract topical and important words or phrases form document or document set. It is a basic and necessary work in text mining tasks such as text retrieval and text summarization. This paper discusses the connotation of keyword extraction and automatic keyword extraction. In the light of linguistics, cognitive science, complexity science, psychology and social science, this paper studies the theoretical basis of automatic keyword extraction. From macro, meso and micro perspectives, the development, techniques and methods of automatic keyword extraction are reviewed and analyzed. This paper summarizes the current key technologies and research progress of automatic keyword extraction methods, including statistical methods, topic based methods, and network based methods. The evaluation approach of automatic keyword extraction is analyzed, and the challenges and trends of automatic keyword extraction are also predicted."
from jieba.analyse import *
# print(jieba.cut(str))
# print()
for keyword, weight in extract_tags(string, withWeight=True):
print('%s %s' % (keyword, weight))
# kw = tfidf(str)
# print(kw)
# coding = utf-8
import re
import jieba
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
string = "Automatic keyword extraction is to extract topical and important words or phrases form document or document set. It is a basic and necessary work in text mining tasks such as text retrieval and text summarization. This paper discusses the connotation of keyword extraction and automatic keyword extraction. In the light of linguistics, cognitive science, complexity science, psychology and social science, this paper studies the theoretical basis of automatic keyword extraction. From macro, meso and micro perspectives, the development, techniques and methods of automatic keyword extraction are reviewed and analyzed. This paper summarizes the current key technologies and research progress of automatic keyword extraction methods, including statistical methods, topic based methods, and network based methods. The evaluation approach of automatic keyword extraction is analyzed, and the challenges and trends of automatic keyword extraction are also predicted."
G = nx.Graph()
str = string.split('.')
# print(str)
for s in str:
# s = ' '.join(jieba.cut(s))
ss = re.split(' ',s)
for sss in ss:
for yyy in ss:
# print(sss)
if yyy != sss:
# G.add_node(sss)
nx.draw(G,pos = nx.spring_layout(G),with_labels= True,node_size = 50)
degree = list(
degree.sort(key = itemgetter(1),reverse = True)
closenessCentrality = nx.closeness_centrality(G)
c = sorted(closenessCentrality.items(),key= lambda closenessCentrality:closenessCentrality[1],reverse=True) #紧密中心性
keyword 1.0395450002521738
extraction 1.0395450002521738
automatic 0.7796587501891303
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paper 0.38982937509456517
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Automatic keyword extraction is to extract topical and important words or phrases form document or document set. It is a basic and necessary work in text mining tasks such as text retrieval and text summarization. This paper discusses the connotation of keyword extraction and automatic keyword extraction. In the light of linguistics, cognitive science, complexity science, psychology and social science, this paper studies the theoretical basis of automatic keyword extraction. From macro, meso and micro perspectives, the development, techniques and methods of automatic keyword extraction are reviewed and analyzed. This paper summarizes the current key technologies and research progress of automatic keyword extraction methods, including statistical methods, topic based methods, and network based methods. The evaluation approach of automatic keyword extraction is analyzed, and the challenges and trends of automatic keyword extraction are also predicted.