
function output=delayseq(x,dt,fs)
%delayseq Delay or advance time sequence
%   Y = delayseq(X, DELAY) returns the delayed or advanced sequence Y by
%   applying DELAY to the input sequence X. DELAY (in samples) can be
%   integer or non-integer values. When it is negative, the sequence X is
%   advanced. X can be a vector or a matrix. DELAY is a scalar or a vector.
%   When X is a column vector, X is delayed by each element of DELAY and
%   the resulting sequence will be stored in corresponding column of Y.
%   When X has multiple columns, each column is delayed by corresponding
%   element of DELAY. If DELAY is a scalar, it will be applied to each
%   column of X.
%   The output sequence Y always has the same length as input with
%   appropriate truncations or zero padding.
%   Y = delayseq(X, DELAY, Fs) specifies DELAY in seconds. Fs is the
%   sampling frequency (in 

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