clojure-jack-in : error in process filter: open-network-stream: make client process failed: Connecti
clojure-jack-in 启动出错
Connecting to Swank on port 65280.. [2 times]
error in process filter: open-network-stream: make client process failed: Connection refused, :name, SLIME Lisp, :buffer, nil, :host, localhost, :service, 65280, :nowait, nil
error in process filter: make client process failed: Connection refused, :name, SLIME Lisp, :buffer, nil, :host, localhost, :service, 65280, :nowait, nil
My hostname was set to "localhost" which is why the underlying dns lookup was returning the actual interface, not the loopback. Here's the fix:
localhost:~ amitava$ sudo scutil --set HostName amitava.local amitava:~ amitava$ scutil --get HostName amitava.local amitava:~ amitava$ clj Clojure 1.3.0 user=> (import ' user=> (InetAddress/getByName "localhost") #<Inet4Address localhost/> user=>
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